
Showing posts from October, 2023

Slow Computing, Digital Civics and Portfolio Project

 Slow Computing & Digital Civics Slow Computing: - Cultural shift towards slowing down life's pace - Computing is deeply imbedded in our lives - Slow computing VS Calm technology     - calm tech promotes moments of reflection and mental rest. The info is presented passively and it's usually in our poriferas.  - Some Design: meditative bodily introspection -Fast Technology: well-defined task, efficient, easy to use Reflection: Most companies are focus on quick profits, fast technology. Slow technology cares more about the users mental wellbeing. As UX designers we need to design for slowness, solitude and mental rest. How do we change the functionalities and design to help the users not get overwhelmed? We could avoid numbers based goals and information. We should reward users for taking their time and  "Living Technology Lives", people are always on their phones and rely on it heavily. It has become an assumption that everyone has a smartphone and is online 24/7.

* CS8607 Interviews Workshop 2

 Interviews Interview: you have a definite purpose. The interviewer needs to be focused and redirect the conversation if it gets off topic. Have open ended questions to ask with examples for answers so you can help coax out more answers. Why and how questions gets more in-depth answers.  *Don't lead the question or imply there is a right answer To explore the socio-technical role of the mobile phone in everyday life, as a ubiquitous and powerful piece of technology.  Interview questions: What kind of phone do you have? How many have you had? Whats your favorite application and why? If you left your phone at home, how would it affect your day? What do you use your phone for the most? Whats your average screen time in a day? Do you have social media? Which do you use and why? What impact has social media had on your life? Explain why? How has it (negatively/positively) impacted someone you know? How does your workplace use mobile phones? How often do you use your mobile for work outs

* CS8607 Research Methods Lecture 1

 Research What is research? Collect evidence, verify who collected the evidence and that they have valid methods and expertise in the area. Evidence-based case should be refutable or falsifiable. Then an hypothesis is formed.  Research: Is the collecting and analyzing of various kinds of data and information to gain more knowledge and have a better understanding about a topic. These results should be clear and convincing and have the ability to be repeated.  Four Key Elements: Systematic Contributing of Knowledge 1. Knowledge     - Higher level of understanding than just data      - Connected to other concepts      2. Contribution     - Extend our individual knowledge and eventually share new ideas, theories and results 3. Originality     - 4. Systematic Research Process: 1. Identify the problem       - Is it researchable? Not all problems are. Where do problems come from? Known Flaws, during the           design process you might run into some problems 2. Reviewing Literature      -w

Prototyping- Carol Block 1 Class 2

 Prototyping Low: navigation, rough look, key features,  Medium: design software, layout,  Medium/high: Mockups High:  Reflection: We clearly had different visions for the home screen layout and options. We decided to each create our own paper prototype for the home screen and pick and choose pieces from each of ours. We found the similarities between our designs which helped us finalize some of the elements because we knew we were in agreement. Then we picked and chose the pieces we liked from each of our designs. We eliminated aspects that seemed unneeded and cluttering.  We got a greater variety of user insights from the other group. They provided a fresh perspective. They had great ideas and pointed out somethings we could simplify.  Physical paper prototyping helped everyone see and understand each others visions and thought. It also helped us create and play with the flow of our interface. It was hard for me specifically to make the design simple and sketchy. I love the drawing a

* CS806 Research Methods Lecture 2

 Qualitative Research Data Collection Qualitative -Research Questions -Words as data -Local meaning, patterns divergence & difference -Values subjectivity * A good researcher is always systematic Systematic -More than a summary or "averaging" of data -Using recognized methods -Reporting on how methods used and findings derived -So you can make claims from your data -Could another qualitative researcher follow your work? Could they appreciate where your findings come from?     -need to have necessary details about participants so someone can replicate it and understand the findings better Where do we use it? -Evaluation studies -Understand User Group and Environment -Analyze the language people use to describe technology Example Qualitative Research Questions: 1. Whats women's experience on dating sites? 2. How do patients perceive doctors in a hospital setting? 3. What are non-experts ideas and opinions about climate change? Terminology Ontology :  Relates to reality

Service Design - Carol Block 1 Class 1

Service Design -think about the wider ecology that the product is in  -service design helps to innovate and import an existing services to make them more useful, usable,  desirable for clients and efficient as well as effective for  organisations. It is a new holistic, multi-disciplinary,  integrative field. - Stefan Moritz (2005 - Project: Interactive Street Furniture - innovative, exciting and digitally advanced ex. recycle bins (survey ?'s, Personas, initial sketches, final concept with description for parts and functionality) ex. Artistic, political, inclusive,  My Ideas As you drive by certain areas message is sent to a car(cautions etc) Train stations: boring, no cell service, dirty, sometimes scary. Train track open and dangerous. We can create a wall with doors that has an entertainment, information and safety design. Information: show the city and advertise places to visit (new business that can use some support, Accessibility: button to call service for those in wheel cha

Personas and Prototyping Practical#8

 Prototyping Low Fidelity Low cost and good for getting a feel of the product. You can see how it feels to have an object of that size and how other people perceive this object on a person or in an area. Sketching is another form of this and you can sketch out different elements of the product. Medium Fidelity High Fidelity  Persona create and add to this blog Goal- Directed: Role-Based: Engaging: Fiction-based:  Create extreme characters. They are based on assumptions. You can used characters that people are familiar with and feel like they know like Harry Potter. Criticisms of Personas  People feel that these can replace real users and data that can be collected from them. Resulting in unrealistic designs and expectations of users. Depictions can rely on stereotypes which can ultimately be harmful. Scenarios: 1. shows the problem the user faces 2. Shows how we can fix it  Practical #8 Brainstorming some ideas for developing a digitally-enhanced cafe experience Create some Personas fo

Ergonomics: PRACTICAL #7 Card Sorting and Affinity Diagramming

Ergonomics Ergonomics: Designing for a range of people/body types so they are efficient and  comfortable. Height, arm length, grip strength, finger length, etc are all physical qualities we should consider in our designs. Each population has their own averages. Biochanics:  the study of the structure, function and motion of the mechanical aspects of biological systems, at any level from whole organisms to organs, cells and cell organelles, using the methods of mechanics.    ex. measuring diameters of door hands compared to grip strength. Tool designs people need to consider the jobs it will be used for and what bad habits they can  Design the physical interactivity. How do people interpret the world and interact with the things around them? Why do they do those things? Why are certain things more intuitive or convenient than others.  Practical 7 Affinity Diagrams and Card Sorting Card sorting: working with users to design an understandable information structure for something (website

Cooperation Eval: Practical #6

 Cooperation Evaluation  Practical #6 We were in groups of three and took on different roles: evaluator, note taker and user(tester). We all had the same task of recreating a diagram but had to do it in different programs: mural, powerpoint and slides. -coffee, felt bad about going with the easiest route and not including the cultural differences Reflection: I enjoyed this task. I wasn't keen on being the evaluator first but I learned a lot from my mistakes and from watching the others. Asking the questions along the way is difficult at times. It's hard interrupting others. I really enjoyed being the user and expressing the negatives or positives about the process. I also really enjoyed taking notes. I liked the time stamp and incident report template given. It was really useful when filling in the evaluation report so I can find the screenshots faster and I could match and map out my incident logs.  How to get correct timestamp?      - Recording time How can we balance note ta

Heuristic Eval: Practical#5

 Heuristic Evaluation: SU Events Report

Cafe Observations

 Collecting Evidence of User XP Observational Research Formulate Plan: Before heading to a cafe our group of 5 put together a list of questions and details we would look for. We wanted to record how many people were there, what they were doing, how long it took to get their products, what they seemed to be enjoying from the environment and what the pain points were. Collect Data: Costa Coffee Quantitative Research How many workers: 3  How many people sitting: 15  How many takeaway: 2  Outside seating: 4  Inside seated: 11  Most people standing in line at one time: 5-6  Wait time: 2-4 minute  Gain points  Fun watching experience as your coffee is made Calm Environment Food and Drink Variety Seat Variation Qualitative Limited Accessibility Crowded Que and waiting area-  Revolving Menu- frustrating/anxiety Serving Tray didn't fit the tables ect. See mural for more  Reflection: I enjoyed observing the environment and finding what worked and didn't work there. However there were som

Reflecting on the Hierarchical Task Analysis

Hierarchical Task Analysis   Pros and Cons      My team and I chose to use Mural to show the HTA of using the self-service machine in the library. The first problem was knowing where the task started. Should we include "Get a book from the library" or is that too obvious. But what if they expected to check to see if the book is available and checking it out was something done before hand? But most libraries would have you get the book prior so we went with finding a machine for the first step. We tried keeping all the instructions concise to try and prevent them from feeling overwhelmed. We used lines to help direct the viewers attention to the corresponding steps and subcategories. The subcategories that we put below were the options they would see on the screen. We didn't include any plans for if something went awry to avoid confusion.  Our team also made a HTA for how to make tea. It seemed simple enough but once I started talking with my team I realized we all have d