* Research: Different Analysis


Research Methods

- Be transparent about what your biases are/could be in your research.

- Theme names give some indication of what problem you are addressing

-Appendices will give people opportunity to check your code and data

Thematic Analysis:

Look for patterns (Themes, hence the name) across textual data. The examples he showed was transcripts from conversations between researchers. He also showed us an example where the designers that updated the Metro used Mural to organize their themes and notes on the different areas that need to be addressed in their design. The themes can have subcategories that are more descriptive( CCTV--> Anti-social behavior).

The Process: 

Familiarization--> coding --> generate themes --> review themes codes --> define and name themes --> write up analysis

 Grounded Theory:

This one is different because you don't have a specific theory or hypothesis (or preconceptions about the theory). You just select an area of interest and begin collecting data and see what is found.

The Process:

Data Collection --> Data Analysis --> Theorizing --> Data Collection ...

Discourse Analysis:

Focuses on analyzing how people communicate with each other. What factors effect the way they alter their comm (power dynamics/relationship). Explore the function of language and how meaning is constructed in different contexts.

The Process:

Decide on approach --> Talk or Text? how to collect --> Systematically investigate context for the discourse --> Analyze data --> Review (Answer research Q?)

Conversation Analysis/ Interaction Analysis:

Analyze the micro interactions between people and how they effect the way they work and together. 



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